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Cumby Spencer Featured in GBCA’s Construction Today Magazine

Posted January 2021

Nearly 75% of privately-owned business are expected to change ownership over the next ten to fifteen years. More than half of those business owners don’t have a succession plan, and 44% think it’s too early to bother planning.

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Annual Review Business Checklist

Posted June 2018

Most business owners become so immersed in the daily operation and management of their business that they don’t set aside time to evaluate its operations. An annual gathering of a business owner and his or her close advisors—including a trusted attorney, accountant, insurance professional, and other financial advisors—is an excellent opportunity to review the business as well as accomplishments or setbacks that might shape the overall future plan for the company.

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Exit Strategy Timeline

Posted May 2018

A business often represents the single largest asset on an owner’s personal balance sheet. Failure to plan in advance can result in a forced transition that is dictated by external circumstances rather than one’s own objectives.

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Inheritance Equalization

Posted April 2018

For business owners, equal treatment of heirs can be a challenge when a large amount of an estate is tied up in liquid assets. When some children work in the family business and others do not, inheritance balancing may require even more careful planning. Usually a parent/business-owner wishes to treat each child fairly, regardless of whether they are involved in the family business. However, fairly does not always necessarily mean equally.

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